We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.

May 23rd - Part Two!

Jenine gives us some updates on the finds -
Today the dig began with excavation and the major concern was to clear and tidy the excess soil so certain areas could be photographed effectively. One area that was successfully cleaned and photographed was the brick structure that was unearthed in the middle of the trench, which shows signs of burning concentrated in the centre of the bricks suggesting that this may have been a hearth at some stage.
Finds in the morning include that of a small sharp tooth (found by myself) and some other small fragments of bone. The drainage ditch reveals the brick beneath and part of the morning was spent removing soil to reveal the bricks that once may have formed a building in this area.
During lunch the heavens opened and the gazebo was much appreciated at this point. Later in the afternoon came separating the finds into different categories. The analysis of the finds was very important in being able to place them in the right area, particularly the pottery, which has shown the most variety and many different types of wares. The colour of the fabric can be very important when separating pottery; for example, a piece of Midland purple ware, because of its distinctive purple colour, it immediately reveals its place of manufacture.
