We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.

More finds....

Ryan enjoys the finds:

Well it’s the first day of week 3 of the dig and the site is getting excavated in all different parts. There are several different features that are on show, especially the wall of the supposed building. The finds are also coming from the site in all shapes and sizes with an interesting piece of a late medieval roof tile with green glaze still visible on one side found by me (yay :)) when I was excavating and cleaning the padding stones of the remaining wall from the rubble of the robbing trench. The weather remained dull but at least it didn’t rain, which is always good, and apparently the weather will pick up and be sunny by the middle of the week which will be great.

Ryan and co in the distance excavating on the far south side of the trench near the end of the wall of the probable medieval building, running north-south across the trench. You can just see the remaining masonry at the corner where it turns west (just in front of the plank).

Other finds today included a dermal dentricle, part of the tough spiny skin of fish such as rays and skates (modelled by Helen)....

and a decorated medieval floor tile with what looks like a griffin motif (modelled by Lauren)...
