We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.

Liam finds day 3 rewarding

Apart from the rain and the cold, today was another interesting day at the dig. Our team was chosen to continue removing backfill from the section of the medieval masonry wall excavated last year. This allowed me to find some more archaeological artefacts including a variety of pottery sherds, clay pipe and a segment of a cup. The first week is not even over yet and I have found 153 pieces of pottery and pipe, way more than the three pieces of amphora I found at Rhynie last year. It's a shame the rain caused an early finish but at least we were able to get a refresher on filling in context sheets, vital to our investigation of the Grosvenor Park. I look forward to seeing what else is found and the other skills needed to become an effective archaeologist.

 Liam removing the last of the backfill ready to reveal the archaeological level beneath the protective matting (terram)
