We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.

Day 3: Ellen's guide to the 'hot' and 'not-so-hot' of digging

The first thing I noticed was how hot it was and how much harder than I thought it was going to be! When someone says dig a hole I expected it to be easier but it's a much harder task than I thought! The wheelbarrows are so much heavier than I thought and you can burn in English weather! Who'd have thought? 

We have had a few finds which have been cool! We found one cattle tooth which was awesome along with pieces of pottery and many clay pipe pieces. 

We have had a few people watching us dig, a couple of them laughed but at least were getting a tan as we work and the teams have become really close to each other and I think that's been the biggest highlight. We have all become good friends with each other by bonding, complaining about the hard work! 

But it has been fun even when you can't lift your arms up next day! 
