We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.

The beginning of trowel wrist.

Today was pretty much a continuation from yesterday with team B (the best team) working on the roman road and the roadside ditches with everybody working on their own areas in the trench. Rachel and I were hunting for stones the whole day (with only a small amount of success and multiple shouts of “Stones” being shouted across the site) and Bethany and Bryony were excavating part of the roman road with a pretty awesome find of two connected vertebrae bones!

Some really cool things are starting to appear now with the hearth coming out at the far end of the site and next to the hearth the end of the medieval building is starting to appear! There have been some interesting finds such as teeth, pottery and lots and lots of bone!

We spent the day laughing a joking and some of us sat in wheelbarrows in the breaks! This dig is starting to shape up to be an amazing experience with some amazing people and I’m looking forward to spending the next few weeks on the site.

Blog again soon, 

